About Scott Lacey
I was born in Melbourne and moved with my family to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia when I was three, during the 1970’s and 80’s.
I have lived in Brisbane for the past 23 years raising and co- parenting my two daughters. A passionate environmentalist and keen gardener, I enjoy creating and maintaining an urban permaculture garden in the middle of suburbia, raising chickens and bees and doing what I can to reduce my carbon footprint while encouraging others to consider how they can engage with their environments and live more sustainably.
I enjoy camping in my tipi under the stars, and spending time in nature exploring wild spaces.
As many of us are, I was drawn to personal therapy at a time of life when I was struggling to make sense of my experience at the conclusion of an important relationship. In therapy, I learnt through my grief how my old wounds show up in relationships, and how by developing my self-awareness I can self-regulate in the moment and have more choicefulness.
What is Gestalt Psychotherapy?
Gestalt therapy is a form of psychotherapy emphasizing personal responsibility, and focuses upon the individual’s experience in the present moment, the therapist–client relationship, the environmental and social contexts of a person’s life, and the self-regulating adjustments people make as a result of their overall situation.
Gestalt therapy is an embodied relational modality both experiential and experimental. It is an approach that takes into account the entire situation of the client that includes emotional, physical, mental, environmental and spiritual domains. Gestalt therapy is primarily concerned with how meaning is made and how we attribute meaning to our experience.
The word ‘gestalt’ means to make whole.
In Gestalt therapy the relationship between therapist and client is key and in therapy how ‘we do life’ becomes more evident as we become aware of who and how we are in the context of our relationships with others, and the experiences that have shaped and influence us. The use of safe experiments within therapy sessions invite clients to explore the edges of their experience where change is possible. Therapy begins always in the present and by attending to what we know about our experience. Therapy supports us to to develop awareness of our experience and more importantly to the meaning we make of the things that have happened to us. The aim of therapy is awareness, which ultimately restores choice.
The Four Pillars of Gestalt
Read Scott Lacey’s full article on The Four Pillars of Gestalt Therapy.
Psychotherapy at Embodied Healing
We will spend the first session exploring what is important to you in the here and now and consider your life from an integrated holistic perspective, that includes your significant relationships, events, and experiences that have shaped and influenced you. It is also an opportunity for you to ask me about my life experience and what has been meaningful in my life. This shared exchange may support us in how we move forward in our work together.