Gestalt therapy is a relational modality that rests upon four pillars of practice: phenomenology, dialogue, experimentation and field theory.

A hallmark of Gestalt therapy is awareness of feelings and sensations, and their impact on beliefs and behaviours. The stresses of modern life mean that we are often on autopilot, moving mindlessly from moment to moment.  Over time, we can lose touch with our sense of self and our connection to the world around us.

The embodied, Gestalt approach helps us attune to our physicality and patterns of habitual thinking.

It is not simply a psychotherapy; it is an evolving, present-focused philosophy that provides clarity on our present predicaments (Wollants, 2008).

We can harness this newfound awareness to restructure situations around us, and the meaning we extract from phenomena (Wollants, 2008).

Initially, unconscious, personal defenses may block or cloud awareness, leaving us oblivious to situational triggers. When we deepen our self-awareness, and uncover these forms of influence, we can begin to put life in context. (Wollants, 2008.)

We identify negative patterns, without punishing ourselves for regrets. We learn how psychological suffering may manifest itself in the body. We freely express ourselves without expectations for how we should be. Once we experience this shift in consciousness, we can rewrite our narratives anew.

Gestalt Therapy at Embodied Healing

At Embodied Healing, we offer compassion to ourselves and others. We forgive ourselves for mistakes and release past regrets. As we deepen our sense of awareness, we see ourselves as we are, rather than who we think we should be. We drop our learned defenses in favour of honest appraisals.

Like water, ripples of emotion rise and fall, while our essence remains unchanged. We experience the intensity of each moment without compromising our inner peace. This increased self-awareness helps us identify emotional blockages and their impact on our daily lives. Once we uncover these unconscious messages, we can actively release these blocks to explore new ways of responding.